A few years ago we had a spontaneous ornament-making workshop with a group of friends who were hanging out. Working together to make Christmas tree ornaments was so much fun, that it seemed natural to try it as a metalledwith workshop. Here are a few photos of our projects that night. The main feature was […]
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Open House Wrap Up
Many thanks to Sarah Neighbors Photography, Hummingbee Studio and everyone who came out to celebrate American Craft Week! Sarah took some incredible shots on Sofi the sofa in her outdoor photo booth. Brandie made some beautiful handcrafted creations. It was right where I wanted to be.
Read MoreAmerican Craft Week – #1 of Top Ten Things to Do
According to the Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau, the number one thing you should be doing this month is checking out American Craft Week events near you. What’s American Craft Week? It’s a national celebration of Handmade in America, with events popping up all over the country. My local area, the Cumberland Valley in PA, is […]
Read MoreNew Cumberland Library Exhibit in October
For the month of October, find us in the display case at the New Cumberland Public Library, located at 1 Benjamin Plaza, New Cumberland, PA 17070! We were thrilled to be invited to be a part of the library’s display. Find a number of filigree works along with pieces from other collections, including Eastern Woodlands, […]
Read MoreHershey Gardens collaboration
You can now find metalledwith at the Hershey Gardens! Throughout the year, we’ve been making special trips and collecting from the gardens, then preserving the leaves and crafting the metalwork just as we normally do to create our work. We’re very pleased to be in the gift shop, just outside of the butterfly exhibit. Next […]
Read MoreSummer Summary
One goal this summer has been to build up the online store, currently housed via etsy, to reach 50+ items. Making each piece individually, then scheduling and completing a photo shoot and write-ups among the slew of other tasks in limited time have made this goal a challenge. But thanks to some help this summer, […]
Read MoreInitiation Rites
I recently had the opportunity to work on a few custom projects that all went to the same home. It began with a gift from a grandmother to her granddaughter on the occasion of her baptism. Not being familiar with jewelry for infants (but very aware of potential hazards), I considered something like an ID […]
Read MoreWords leave impressions. So do hammers.
In this recent project, a bride approached me with a request to put together bridesmaid necklaces for her ten supporting ladies. She chose a word to describe a specific quality that she appreciated about them. She wrote each a letter telling them about the ways she had been inspired, affected and what she loved about […]
Read MoreWhy you won’t see me at Artsfest or Foundry Day this year
While Artsfest, under new management, will be happening along Riverfront Park in downtown Harrisburg this Memorial Day weekend, you won’t be seeing metalledwith there. There are a number of other artists sure to make it worth your while. Foundry Day is a beloved favorite that happens right here in my hometown! It’s on June 3 […]
Read MoreSpring has Sprung! It’s our time to shine…
We’ve got the spring energy bug, even on the gray days. There’s something about that cool breeze and the warm sun that is irresistible after winter’s stay. metalledwith is going on seven years as a registered business! What a joy it has been, and continues to be, to forage in the fresh newness each spring, […]
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