jewelry inspired by nature
and crafted by hand


July Events in Dauphin County

July 10, 2014

It just so happens that most of metalledwith’s July events are taking place in Dauphin County!

JULY 17 – Farmers Market in Hershey
We’re coming back to one of our favorite casual farmers markets. Find us outside the Cocoa Beanery (1215 Research Blvd, Hummelstown) from 2:30-6:30 as Richelle is the visiting artist for the week.

JULY 19 – BrewFest at Fort Hunter
Fort Hunter is a great setting worth a visit. BrewFest is held along the water form 3-7PM on Saturday, July 19. Visit for craft beer tastings and see metalledwith’s new hop jewelry. Ticket information can be found here.

JULY 26 – Ned Smith Nature and Arts Festival
Held at MYO Park in Millersburg from 9-4 this celebration of nature and the arts features educational programs, live music and dozens of children’s activities. Here is the schedule of events. You will find our friend Lindsay staffing the metalledwith booth next to our favorite nonprofit, Manada Conservancy. Richelle will be at the Old Saybrook Arts & Crafts Festival in Old Saybrook, Connecticut!

Brewfest copy
